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Auditions Notice for Grease the Musical

Auditions will take place Sunday January 7th at 2pm and Monday January 8th at 7pm

at the Highwood Center, 128 5 Ave SW, High River

Open auditions will be held for all parts in the production. This means that you will be singing/performing on stage in front of crew members as well as other people who are auditioning. Don't worry, we are a very supportive group!

If auditioning for a part that includes a solo, please come prepared with a song which shows range and performance ability. The following parts require solo singing: Danny, Sandy, Rizzo, Roger, Doody, Marty, Johnny Casino, Teen Angel, Kenickie

Auditioners will need to bring their own accompaniment. Recorded accompaniment should not have singing on the recording.

If you are only auditioning for the chorus, the musical director will be teaching a song and auditions will be done in small groups. Auditions will also include a dance piece that will be taught by our Choreographer.

Those people auditioning for a principle role will be asked to read selected scenes that are attached below with the character information.

For more information email Karen

Click to view: Audition read texts
Click HERE to register and download audition material.
Registration is not manditory, walk-ins are always welcome!

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